
Co-founded in 2019 by Kate Bookallil and Siobhan Lawless, the Flight Path Theatre, Marrickville, is now centre stage of the inner west theatre scene.

March 18, 2021


Across the inner west, kids, families and local volunteers rolled up their sleeves to help protect our precious biodiversity, parks, streets and waterways.

March 18, 2021


Lou Bacchiella has dedicated the last decade of his life to supporting new migrants, refugees, and the CALD community here in the inner west.

March 17, 2021


On 25 March we celebrated the 200th anniversary of Greek independence, the bicentenary of the Greek revolution, which saw that proud country rise up against Ottoman rule in 1821.

March 17, 2021


Crews Cafe, Ashfield, is helping to break the cycle of poverty by up‑skilling the hospitality workers of tomorrow.

March 17, 2021


I am proud to announce that the 2021 Summer Hill Woman of the Year is Cheree Toka, a Kamilaroi woman of the inner west.

March 17, 2021


In many cases, the boarding house developments currently before our councils are not actually boarding houses but rather shoebox apartments no bigger than jail cells, without rent controls or other oversight to ensure they are housing the people who need the most support.

March 17, 2021


Congratulations to the Ashfield Pirates, one of the fastest‑growing soccer clubs in the inner west.

March 17, 2021


For over 30 years, Plumtree in Marrickville has provided essential support to inner west kids with developmental delay or disability, and their families.

March 16, 2021


Local inner west historian and author, John Coleman, has written a new book shedding light on the lives of fallen inner west soldiers who died during WW1.

March 16, 2021