Christopher (Chris) Pratten was a beloved member of the Summer Hill community. When Chris re-joined the Summer Hill community in 1986 after living in the country for several decades, the Ashfield & District Historical Society (ADHS) gained an invaluable member who dedicated nearly forty years working tirelessly for our community. During Chris's early years in ADHS he held the secretary position, edited publications, wrote, researched, produced the newsletter, and lobbied Council to save heritage sites from demolition. During the forty years we had the privilege to have Chris in our community he wrote for both the Society's journals and various other publications on a range of heritage and history-related topics, helping to inform the wider community of the rich history of our area. In 2000 Chris was named Ashfield Citizen of the year for his heritage protection efforts. In 2005 he was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia for his conservation work. In 2014 he was granted a life membership of ADHS. Chris passed away on 12 March 2024 surrounded by his loving family. Vale Christopher Pratten, thank you for your dedication and contribution to our local community.