Drug law reform
The Minns Labor Government will commence a music festival-based pill testing trial in early 2025, to
reduce risks and harms associated with illicit drug use.
Drug law reform
$33.9 million for drug and alcohol support and Drug Summit date confirmed
Friday 12 July 2024
People at risk of harm from alcohol and drug use in NSW will have greater access to support and treatment with the Minns Labor Government funding 12 new alcohol and other drug hubs across the state.
Drug law reform
This month marks four years since the New South Wales Government established the Special Commission of Inquiry into the drug "ice". The inquiry involved a 14‑month‑long investigation led by Professor Dan Howard, SC.
Drug law reform
In November 2018, to much fanfare, the New South Wales Government established the Special Commission of Inquiry into the Drug "Ice". Three years later, we still do not have a comprehensive response from the Government.
Drug law reform
This month marks twenty years since the opening of the Uniting Medically Supervised Injecting Centre in King's Cross.
Drug law reform
I speak on an issue that many local residents in my electorate have a close and personal connection to: treatment and support for those who use illicit drugs.
Drug law reform
Sister Noelene White has dedicated the past 37 years to the Marrickville community and to supporting those confronting substance abuse, homelessness and mental illness.
Drug law reform
The bill before the House today tips the balance even further towards a law and order approach to illicit drugs.
Drug law reform
A question to the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.
Drug law reform
A question to the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.