The Liberal Government has sold over $10 billion of NSW's publicly owned assets and services in twelve years. Privatisation has to stop. Jo is proudly defending the public assets and services we depend on, like schools, hospitals, ambulances, housing and transport.

Public services

A question on reports that ownership of the Yasmar estate may be transferred to Property NSW. 

September 19, 2018

Public services

A question on reports that classrooms promised to Ashbury Public School may be scrapped/. 

September 19, 2018

Public services

The Government continues to push ahead with the privatisation of disability services in New South Wales, including the transfer of the Summer Hill Centre.

August 14, 2018

Public services

A question on notice to the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure regarding Region 6 bus services.

August 14, 2018

Public services

The lease for Globe Wilkins Preschool in Marrickville will not be renewed by the Department of Education, thus threatening its closure.

August 09, 2018

Public services

A question on notice to the Minister for Multiculturalism and Minister for Disability Services regarding Summer Hill Centre.

August 09, 2018

Public services

Parents of children with profound and complex disabilities fear for their children's lives as a result of the government's privatisation of disability services.

August 09, 2018

Public services

A question on notice to the Treasurer, and Minister for Industrial Relations regarding WestConnex and Transurban.

August 07, 2018

Public services

A question on notice to the Minister for Family and Community Services, Minister for Social Housing, and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault regarding Land and Housing Corporation properties.

August 07, 2018

Public services

Calls by the Federal Minister for Sport, Bridgett McKenzie, for compulsory sport in schools will amount to little as our school fields and recreational spaces disappear into a sea of demountable classrooms under the Berejiklian Government.

July 19, 2018