Opposition members understand that investing in infrastructure and saving our environmental heritage is not an either/or proposition.
Jo Haylen has called on the Government to address issues in Women's Refuges to ensure they are capable of protecting victims of domestic violence.
Jo Haylen has called on the Government to fund programs to tackle homophobia and discrimination against migrant, culturally and linguistically diverse and Indigenous LGBTI people.
Jo Haylen, the member for Summer Hill, has called on the Government to do more to protect victims of sexual assault and rape through consent workshops and improved reporting in tertiary education campuses.
Graeme McKay's moving story captures perfectly the destruction of a suburb for the WestConnex motorway. Decisions affecting our communities have to be about people, not profits.
Jo Haylen, the member for Summer Hill, has called on the Government to strengthen efforts to reduce food wastage.
Jo Haylen, the member for Summer Hill, is opposed to the misogynistic views of "Pick Up Artists" and has called on the Government to introduce legislation aimed at stopping violence against women.
People deserve to know why this road that is ruining so many lives has been forced upon them. The Government cannot hide any longer. We need to talk honestly about WestConnex.
Jo Haylen, the member for Summer Hill, is opposed to the harsh rules and and fines levied against cyclists by the Government.