
Reg Coady Reserve is a small but much-loved park on the banks of Iron Cove Creek and is being razed by WestConnex.

August 04, 2016


A motion supporting the strong community support for extending all-night pharmacies in Sydney, giving access to vital medications when they are needed.

August 04, 2016


I was proud to host some of Summer Hill's most outstanding Indigenous students this week and to announce Isaac Bamblett of De La Salle College Ashfield as the Summer Hill Aboriginal Student of the Year.

August 03, 2016


We must do more to protect people caught in a debt spiral by the enforcement of fines.

August 03, 2016


A motion calling on the Minister for Energy to immediately direct Ausgrid contractors to stop lopping tree across the inner west, including in Haberfield, a heritage conservation area.

August 03, 2016


Jo Haylen's motion condemning Ausgrid's butchery of heritage trees in Haberfield. 

August 03, 2016


A motion noting that a plebiscite would be expensive, divisive and damaging and calls on the Federal Government to resolve the issue through the Commonwealth Parliament.

August 02, 2016


A motion calling on the Government to engage with the catastrophic levels of indigenous incarceration and to ensure that the abuse shown on Four Corners does not and cannot happen in New South Wales.

August 02, 2016


28 July was World Hepatitis Day, a day to recognise people with Hepatitis C and to raise awareness about HIV and Hepatitis C (HCV) co-infection.

August 02, 2016


Jo Haylen, Member for Summer Hill, condemns the Federal Government's cuts to Community Legal Centres, including the effects that these cuts have had on Marrickville Legal Centre and calls on the Government to ensure proper legal assistance is provided to the community.

June 23, 2016