The students and families at Haberfield Public School have been living through the worst impacts of WestConnex construction.
The lease for Globe Wilkins Preschool in Marrickville will not be renewed by the Department of Education, thus threatening its closure.
The students and families at Haberfield Public School have been living through the worst impacts of WestConnex construction. The school students are subject to construction noise, dust and vibration.
Today marks the end of World Breastfeeding Week—an international celebration of breastfeeding, and the health of babies and mothers.
For three long years residents in Marrickville and Dulwich Hill have lived with the threat of mass rezoning of their suburbs as the Government sought to add an extra 100,000 people along the Sydenham‑to‑Bankstown corridor.
The passage of the Safe Access to Reproductive Health Clinics bill is a huge step forward for women in this state. It will mean that women seeking reproductive medical services, including abortion, will be able to do so with dignity, free from harassment.
A question on notice to the Treasurer and Minister for Industrial Relations regarding rental affordability.
A question on notice to the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure regarding the gates and fencing at Tempe and Ashfield stations.
A question on notice to the Minister for the Environment, Minister for Local Government, and Minister for Heritage regarding the New South Wales koala strategy.
A question on notice to the Minister for Environment, Minister for Heritage and Minister for Local Government regarding kerbside recycling.