
Older Australians deserve our support and respect. Jo is committed to an inclusive, accessible community where older people are able to thrive and participate. 


Labor is demanding answers after National Minister Paul Toole confirmed the Regional Seniors Travel Card has more than doubled its budget, in just the program’s first month.

March 02, 2020


Michael Johnsen and The Nationals have unfairly excluded seniors in Singleton on disability and carers pensions from the $250 Regional Seniors Travel Card that they were promised.

February 28, 2020


A notice of motion drawing attention to issues with Bupa Aged Care facilities in Tamworth, Banora Point and Tumut.

February 27, 2020


Seniors Festival is an opportunity to come together and celebrate the contributions seniors make each and every day to our inner west community.

February 27, 2020


Veterans are again being left on the side of the road by the Nationals, with reports they will be forced to wait up to three months before they can apply for the Regional Seniors Travel Card.

February 26, 2020


A notice of motion condemning the unfair eligibility exclusions for the Regional Seniors Travel Card.

February 25, 2020


A question to the Government on the roll out of the Regional Seniors Travel Card.

February 25, 2020


Jo Haylen MP, Shadow Minister for Seniors and Cost of Living, has made an official complaint to the NSW Electoral Commission about the Nationals’ Regional Seniors Travel Card rort.

February 19, 2020


An expansion of the eligibility criteria of the $250 Regional Seniors Travel Card has failed to include seniors who receive a carer’s payment or disability support pension. 

February 17, 2020


In what appears to be another major issue with the card, only seniors in receipt of the Aged Pension are able to apply, leaving some of the neediest and most vulnerable seniors in regional communities without access to the $250 scheme.

February 14, 2020