Environment & climate
Bureaucratic delays from Sydney Trains that have already held up the completion of the Inner West Greenway project by at least a year are now putting the entire project in jeopardy.
Environment & climate
If today tells us anything at all, it’s that with young activists like Sophia Skarparis and those young people here in the Parliament today, the days of single use plastics are numbered.
Environment & climate
Jo Haylen MP, State Member for Summer Hill, has condemned the Berejiklian Government’s decision to scrap the Murray Valley National Park.
Environment & climate
This bill seeks to inundate swathes of one of the world’s greatest natural treasures in order to shore up land for developers in the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley.
Environment & climate
A question on household rubbish reduction
Environment & climate
While I share the relief of Haberfield Public School parents and carers that the “Option B” sites located at the former Muirs car yards on Parramatta Road, will no longer be used for tunnelling, I am dismayed that Haberfield and Ashfield residents will be forced to live with years more construction than first promised.
Environment & climate
A question on the Government's plans to raise hive registrations for amateur beekeepers.
Environment & climate
Labor opposes State Government legislation that would allow the inundation of 65km of the World Heritage protected Blue Mountains National Park, as part of the proposed project to raise the Warragamba Dam wall.
Environment & climate
A question on reports that PFAS has been identified in Botany Bay.
Environment & climate
A question on the Inner West Environment Group's proposal for an Inner West Goods Line Memorial.