Jo Haylen MP, State Member for Summer Hill, has condemned the Berejiklian Government’s decision to scrap the Murray Valley National Park.

The Nationals MP for Murray, Austin Evans, has given notice of a new bill in the Legislative Assembly.

Mr Evans wants to ‘de-gazette’ the Murray Valley National Park and open up the globally significant river red gum forests of the Riverina for logging.

The Murray Valley National Park is a 41,000 hectare national park and “part of the largest continuous river red gum forest in the southern hemisphere and an important and unique ecosystem.” It contains over 60 threatened animal species and 40 plant species and contains a RAMSAR listed wetland.

National parks are a magnificent environmental asset visited by millions of nature lovers every year.

Never before has a NSW national park been stripped of its protected status.

This is a deeply disturbing development and people across NSW will be shocked to hear that national parks are now at risk.

Under pressure from the Shooters, Fishers and Farmer’s Party at the recent Murray by-election Mr Evans has stated that he would be working hard to “get rid of these national parks.” 

If the Berejiklian Government succeeds in scrapping the Murray Valley National Park then no national park is safe.


Quotes attributable to the Member for Summer Hill, Jo Haylen

“The Government has once again shown how little they care about preserving our natural heritage for future generations.”

“This unprecedented move to strip a national park of its protected status is just the latest attack by the Coalition on our environment.”

“NSW Labor has led the way in the creation of national parks, and we will fight to protect them.”


Quotes attributable to Shadow Environment Minister Penny Sharpe

“The National Party want to strip protection from our national parks.”

“ It is clear what the agenda is – a re-elected Berejiklian Government will abolish this and other national parks.” 

“Labor won’t support any bill that overturns any of our National Parks.”

“With the weakest environment minister in NSW history, it is clear that National Parks are under sustained attack. This action comes on top of their attacks on national parks through the Kosciuszko Wild Horses Bill and the law passed this week that will allow the World Heritage listed Blue Mountains National Park to be flooded by raising the Warragamba Dam wall. 

“ This is a new environmental low for the Berejiklian Government.”