Jo will fight for our world-class public health and hospital system and ensure no-one is left behind when it comes to having the best medical care. Jo is committed to upgrading Canterbury Hospital, supporting our heroic health workers and properly funding health and hospitals. 


Parents of children with profound and complex disabilities fear for their children's lives as a result of the government's privatisation of disability services.

August 09, 2018


NSW Labor has demanded that NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard spell out how the Berejiklian Government was going to contact thousands of patients – over the last 35 years – who had been in contact with a Haberfield dental practice – which had breached multiple infection control procedures.

August 08, 2018


Today marks the end of World Breastfeeding Week—an international celebration of breastfeeding, and the health of babies and mothers. 

August 07, 2018


A question to the Minister for Police and Emergency Services on the number of drug dog detections in NSW

June 09, 2018


A question on notice regarding the number of staff from NSW Health currently on non-clinical duties

June 06, 2018


A question to the Minister for Police following the release of the report into pill testing at Groovin the Moo, ACT

June 06, 2018


A question on staffing and funding levels for hospitals and health services in the inner west and surrounds. 

June 06, 2018


A question on notice to the Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Women, and Minister for Ageing regarding a patient's next-of-kin.

June 06, 2018


A question on notice to the Premier regarding the removal of the goods and services tax on feminine hygiene products.

May 03, 2018


Jo Haylen MP has today welcomed news from Labor MP Penny Sharpe and Nationals MP Trevor Khan that they have given notice to the NSW Parliament that they will introduce a bill to provide 150m ‘safe access’ zones around abortion clinics in NSW.

May 02, 2018