
Volunteers make a critical contribution to our communities and deserve to be recognised and supported.


Walking Volunteers are a group of avid walking enthusiasts who give their time and expertise to map out continuous walking routes around Sydney for the benefit of all Sydneysiders.

October 24, 2019


I spoke about the Sydney University of the Third Age, and their work in providing education to people living in the Greater Sydney region.

September 25, 2019


A question to the Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services.

September 17, 2019


I spoke on a motion recognising the importance of volunteer organisations to our communities.

August 22, 2019


I spoke on the valuable work done by volunteers across the state.

August 01, 2019


A question to the Minister for Customer Service

July 31, 2019


Member for Summer Hill, Jo Haylen MP, was today appointed to serve as part of new Labor leader Jodi McKay’s historic shadow cabinet, which is made up of 50% women for the very first time in NSW.

July 03, 2019


Dare Kavanagh, CEO of Reverse Garbage, has been announced as Summer Hill Woman of the Year for 2018.

March 14, 2018


I am proud to represent an electorate that is diverse, resilient, compassionate and engaged—and electorate that is home to bold community groups such as Mums 4 Refugees.

November 16, 2017


Recently I was privileged to attend the Sydney Relay For Life with my colleagues; the Member for Canterbury, the Member for Sydney and the Member for Balmain.

March 29, 2017