***IN LANGUAGE RESOURCES: Click here.***
Further in language resources from Community and Cultural Connections can be accessed here.
SBS have also created a great resource with COVID-19 information here.
Vaccination is our only way out of COVID lockdowns. Every Inner Westie now has the opportunity to get vaccinated. You can find out where to access a vaccine here.
The NSW Government has placed a stay-at-home order on all people who live in, work in, or usually study in Greater Sydney. More information on these restrictions and who they apply to can be found here.
Under these restrictions, unless you are exempt, it is mandatory to wear a face mask whenever you leave your home. Information on masks, when you need to wear one and who is exempt can be found here.
Restrictions will begin easing for fully vaccinated individuals when 70% of the NSW population is fully vaccinated on Monday, October 11. Further information about what those changes will look like is available here.
If you are a business owner or employee who has been impacted by the lockdown, information about the Government's financial relief packages can be found here.
A 24/7 hotline has been set up to handle COVID-19 inquiries. The hotline can provide the latest updates on restrictions, cost of living assistance, financial support for businesses or rules around social distancing.
HEALTH DIRECT 24 hour health information line: 1800 022 222
See the latest information from NSW Health here.
- A high temperature.
- A new and consistent cough (this means you are coughing repeatedly).
- Sore throat.
- Shortness of breath.
- Body aches.
If you are unsure, use the healthdirect symptom checker.
What should I do if I have symptoms?
If you are experiencing severe symptoms and are having trouble breathing, phone 000 immediately.
If you believe you are experiencing any symptoms at all, no matter how mild, get tested immediately and isolate until you receive a negative result. A list of testing locations can be found here.
How to stay protected:
The most efficient way to protect yourself is frequent hand-washing, good hygiene practices and wearing a mask in any situation where it is legally necessary, or where you can't socially distance. A guide to current face mask rules can be found here.
Mental health and personal safety:
It's important to understand the impact social distancing and isolation can have on your mental wellbeing. If you're experiencing mental health issues, there is always help available.
24 hour mental health line operating in NSW: 1800 011 511
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Headspace online support
Beyond blue online support.
Parent line counselling service (parent support): 1300 1300 52.
If you are experiencing domestic or family violence, you are allowed to leave your house and prioritise your safety. Help is available by calling the NSW Domestic Violence Line on 1800 65 64 63. More information can be found here.
Information for people self-isolating:
If you've been directed to self-isolate, and have no family or friends able to help you with shopping, emergency relief packages are available. You can find more information about these here.
Information for Aboriginal and First Nations peoples:
The latest information and advice for Aboriginal Australians and First Nations peoples can be found here.
The latest information and advice from the Department of Education can be found here.
The latest information and advice from the Australian Government can be found here.
For people with disability: here.
For disability support services: here.
For info on income support: here.
From National Disability Services there is also some important information: here.
The latest information and advice in relation to the department of communities and justice can be found here.
Cost of living measures offered by the NSW Government, including for those who are self-isolating, can be found here.
The Commonwealth Government has released a Disaster Payment of up to $600 for some people who have lost work this lockdown. Information on the Commonwealth Government's new Disaster Payment can be found here.
The Energy and Water Ombudsman has provided a list of resources here when you need help paying bills.
The Australian Taxation Office can help if you are struggling to meet your taxation or superannuation obligations. Call 1800 806 218 or click here.
Fair Work has provided some information here on workplace laws and the COVID-19 epidemic.
Salvation Army Street Mission: 1300 371 288
Resources for renters:
If you cannot pay your rent because of the recent COVID-19 outbreak and lockdown, your landlord cannot evict you between now and 11 September 2021. More information on this can be found here.
Inner Sydney Tenants' Advice and Advocacy Service (ISTAAS) has provided information for renters associated with COVID-19 here.
Commercial Tenancies Announcement, here.
Residential Tenancies. You can read the NSW Government announcement here, and get information from the Tenants Union here.
Meal assistance:
The Exodus Foundation Ashfield can help with emergency meals, rent and other finances, health, personal care and counselling.
Addison Road Community Centre Food Pantry.
Foodbank information here.
Ashfield Seventh- day Adventist Church. Further information here.
The Station: 9299 2252. 82 Erskine St, Sydney 2000.
Free meal times:
- Breakfast 7 days, 7.30-9am.
- Hot lunch Monday to Friday, 12.30-1pm.
- Hot lunch Saturday and Sunday, 12-12.30pm.
Crisis help and emergency accommodation:
Sydney Homeless Early Intervention Service: 1800 212 877
Jewish House - emergency accommodation for anyone at risk of homelessness: 1300 544 357
Salvation Army Inner City Homelessness Early Intervention Service: 9360 1321
Shelter NSW: www.shelternsw.org.au/need-help
Domestic Violence Service Management: 9621 0800
NSW Domestic Violence line: 1800 656 463
Transport for vulnerable and isolated people:
CONNECT: Inner West Community Transport Group: 9558 6800
Support for businesses, including the $1500 small business fees and charges rebate, and the $50,000 grants for workplace mental health projects, can be found here.
Support for landlords, including information about the $1500 payment per tenancy for landlords who agree to reduce rent for tenants impacted by COVID-19, can be found here.
NSW Government information for small businesses and workplaces (including advice on social distancing regulations) can be found here.
NSW Government information on how to register as a COVID Safe Business can be found here
Information and advice from the Small Business Commissioner can be found here.
The Australian Tax Office has introduced a series of relief measures that can be accessed by calling 1800 806 218 or clicking here.
Payroll tax relief will be available from July and information accessible here.
Fair Work has provided some information here on workplace laws and the COVID-19 epidemic.
Inner West Council COVID-19 updates, here.
Australia Post updates, here.
Newtown Neighbourhood Centre, here.
NBN Support, here.