Parents and kids in the Inner West are thrilled to have a brand new council-run childcare centre with Yirran Gumal Early Childhood Learning Centre opening last month in Marrickville.
In the local Aboriginal language, Yirran means 'many' and Gumal means 'friendships'. I know that many little inner westies will be making Yirran Gumal (many friendships) at the centre.
The centre's unique appearance was inspired by the original forest near the Cooks River and is fitted with multi-coloured timber columns supporting a cantilevered roof, and environmentally sustainable features including high efficiency heating and cooling. But the centre is so much more than a building - it adds to the renowned childcare services offered by Inner West Council that continue to set the benchmark for quality, public childcare in NSW and which offer affordable, quality childcare options to families across the inner west.
I congratulate Inner West Council, particularly Councillor Sam Iskander for opening the Yirran Guman Early Learning Centre. I also pay tribute to the late Councillor Emanuel Tsardoulias for his contribution to seeing this centre realised.
I congratulate the educators and Marrickville families who will make this service a community.