Labor is urging the NSW Government to roll out workplace rapid antigen testing at every bus depot across Greater Sydney as soon as possible to protect bus drivers, passengers and to keep COVID-19 from spreading through the public transport system.
The NSW Government removed workplace rapid antigen testing as a requirement under the health orders on Friday August 27. 
Vaccinated bus drivers from Local Government Areas of concern could now be required to work with unvaccinated passengers and colleagues without access to rapid testing to protect themselves, their families, their colleagues and the wider public transport network from Monday September 6.
The NSW Government's failure to roll this commonsense health and safety measure out across the network could lead to at risk drivers taking industrial action to protect their health and safety at work.
Shadow Minister for Transport Jo Haylen said: "Bus drivers and transport workers are on the front lines of the pandemic every day. They shouldn't be forced to take action to protect their passengers, colleagues and families.
"The Government must roll out workplace rapid antigen testing ASAP to protect drivers, passengers and to keep vital bus services running."
Shadow Minister for Regional Transport Jenny Aitchison said: "Bus drivers and transport workers across Greater Sydney and regional NSW need this commonsense health and safety measure. The Government must stop dragging its feet and implement workplace rapid antigen testing immediately."