Jo Haylen moves that this House:
- Calls on the Government to immediately halt all compulsory acquisitions in Haberfield and Ashfield as part of the WestConnex M4 East tunnel project until the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and business case for the project have been released.
- Calls on the Government to release the full business case for the entire WestConnex road project to show the people of New South Wales its justification for this $14.9 billion tunnel.
- Calls on the Government to release the Environmental Impact Statement for the M4 East tunnel immediately and allow at least 60 days exhibition of the EIS, instead of the statutory 30 days, so that the entire Inner West community have enough time to make submissions about the project.
- Calls on the Government to support the establishment of a parliamentary inquiry into the WestConnex road project.
- Calls on the Government to release all possible locations considered by the WestConnex Delivery Authority for the Haberfield ventilation outlet and the reasons as to why this suburb, the world's oldest garden suburb, was chosen.