A question to the Minister for Planning, Minister for Housing, and Special Minister for State:
- What roles will the Department of Planning and Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) have in the comparative analysis process of potential WestConnex ancillary facility options at Haberfield?
- Who is responsible for undertaking this comparative analysis?
- What safeguards will be in place to ensure the integrity of the report?
- What skills and/or expertise will the organisation tasked with undertaking the comparative analysis be required to have?
- What is the methodology and timeline for this comparative analysis?
- Why was the analysis of air quality omitted?
- What community consultation will be required as part of this comparative analysis?
- Will the decision arising from the comparative analysis be considered a modification to the planning approval you have already granted?
- Why was the use of Option B sites approved if there was a requirement for further comparative analysis, and an associated mitigation and management report for approval by the Secretary of Planning?
- Will you as the Minister for Planning have final say in determining the use of sites?
Response can be tracked on NSW Parliament's website.