The NSW Labor Opposition has today called on the Baird Liberal Government to end the confusion and provide certainty for residents whose homes may – or may not – be in the path of the Westconnex roadway.
Opposition Leader John Robertson today joined Labor candidate for Summer Hill Jo Haylen at a property in Haberfield where the owner had received conflicting advice on the future of the property from the Government’s Westconnex Delivery Authority.
The property owner received two separate pieces of correspondence with the same date – with one letter saying the property would need to be acquired for Westconnex and the other saying it would not be impacted.
The confusion of local residents comes after the Roads Minister Duncan Gay admitted last week that tens of millions of dollars could be wasted because the Liberal Government had gone "too early" in their announcements on Westconnex.
"This project is typical of the spin of the Liberals – with nothing more than a line on the map and some fancy animations," Opposition Leader John Robertson said.
"Now we are discovering that even this line on the map is not locked in.
"The Liberals’ chopping and changing is simply causing confusion for local residents – who are in the dark about whether their property will be affected.
"This confusion has been caused by a Liberal Government hell bent on giving the impression they are building infrastructure – when the reality is there is no real plan for Westconnex.
Labor Candidate for Summer Hill Jo Haylen said: "Already people are worried about their properties being acquired by the government – or of waking up with a new major road running through their neighbourhood."
"The last thing people in our area need is confusion and uncertainty from the government.
"One resident received two letters – with the same date – with conflicting messages about whether his property will be bought by the government to make way for the road – and I’m sure he is not alone.
"I’m especially concerned about the older residents of our area, who would find it highly distressing and confusing to be forced to move one day, and then allowed to stay the next. Long-time residents shouldn’t be hit with the stress of dealing with such missteps from this government.
"People in our area shouldn’t be riding an emotional rollercoaster regarding the future of their homes just because the Roads Minister is desperate to look like he is doing something."