I was saddened to learn that Les Banton passed away on the 31 May. After struggling with addiction and homelessness, Les used his recovery story to inspire and educate others in communities and prisons with the Bill Crews Foundation. Les is someone who, after losing his livelihood in the early 2000s, was able to turn his life around and deliver for his community. Les encountered great difficulty in his interaction with both Government and private support systems and spoke often about his interactions with both the criminal and homelessness support systems. Les worked with the Bill Crews Foundation to tell his story to others, and provided hope and inspiration for countless people who encountered similar challenges in accessing much needed support. Les was an inspiring image of resilience and perseverance, who will be sorely missed both by the Bill Crews Foundation, and the broader community. Thank you Les, for the inspiring work you did in my community. Your actions have inspired many to follow in your footsteps and work towards a closer, resilient, and safe community in Summer Hill.