The community at our local schools have had enough of the lack of concern for students on their way to school and the severely insufficient safety measures currently in place.
Following escalating concerns and in the lead up to walk to school day Shadow Minister for Active Transport, Jo Haylen MP and Liesl Tesch MP, Member for Gosford hosted a meeting to discuss the safety concerns with the community.
Ms Haylen says we should be promoting active modes of getting to school.
“Parents know the health benefits of their kids walking or riding to school and they know it helps beat congestion on our roads, too, but many believe it’s just not safe for them to do so.”
“It won’t come as a surprise that of the million or so school students that will be travelling to and from school today, only 30% will get there by walking or riding, compared to 75% forty years ago.”
“That’s why we launched our NSW School Safety Survey that brought together the advice of hundreds of parents, carers and teachers who all want to make it easier and safer to walk and ride to school.”
The School Survey conducted in 2020 displayed the enthusiasm Coasties have for walking or riding to school and also showed the safety concerns parents are faced with in deciding whether to allow their kids to take that mode of transport to school .
Ms Tesch says kids should be able to feel safe on their way to school.
“Kids and parents really do want to be active and walk or cycle to and from school but the measures in place are simply not good enough.”
“Parents are angry and they so should be. They are not asking for much, just safe infrastructure to ensure their kids get to and from school safely.”
“The red tape needs to be cut and changes need to be implemented at first instance to ensure parents don’t have to refuse to let their children actively get to their school because of safety concerns.”
In attendance were representatives from Umina Beach Public School and Woy Woy South Public School.