Kids at the Infants' Home, Ashfield, are loving their newly resurfaced playground at Johnson House, proudly funded through a 2019 Summer Hill CBP grant.
Since 1874, The Infants' Home has supported little inner westies from birth through to school, with a particular focus on supporting kids and families with special needs.
In addition to their centre based childcare and family day care, the Infants' Home offers postnatal care, hosts community playgroups and runs parent education events.
Every Monday, the Infants' Home assists Indigenous women and their kids through their Aboriginal Outreach Service.
The Infants' Home recently celebrated National Early Child Educator Day, recognising the staff's hard work with a well-earned morning tea and goodie bag.
The revamped playground means kids from all walks of life are now able to run, jump and play on their newly turfed ground without fear of scraped knees or elbows
Certainly the Covid-19 pandemic has given us a new appreciation of quality open and green spaces, making this new playground an even more significant project for the inner west.
I congratulate the staff and community at the Infants' Home on their new playground.