Jo Haylen, Member for Summer Hill, welcomed news that the Inner West Council has moved to support the transformation of the Sydenham Station Precinct into a creative hub.
Ms Haylen had developed initial plans for the Hub in her time as Mayor of Maarrickville.
The area is directly beneath the flight path, making it the perfect area for noisy and new industries and unsuitable for further residential development.
The hub will allow the area around Sydenham Station to be transformed into a vibrant precinct full of small bars, live music venues, breweries and restaurants.
Comments attributable to Jo Haylen MP, Member for Summer Hill
“The inner west is known for being vibrant, eclectic and creative. As Mike Baird continues making Sydney ‘nice’, the inner west is providing important room for creative industries to be loud, messy and innovative.
“It’s a great part of the inner west to do business and there’s a real community growing as more and more creative businesses move in.
“This proposal will hold back the tide of residential development and protect our shrinking but critically important employment lands.
“The Sydenham Station Creative Hub will mean live music venues, small bars and creative industries can spring up alongside the existing industrial businesses, right next to Sydenham Station.
“This locks in the exciting progress already happening in Sydenham, where you’ve got microbreweries producing local beers, fantastic initiatives like Makerspace and multiple coffee-shops.”
Comments attributable to Andrew Fineran, proprietor of Batch Brewing Company
“This proposal will attract new and exciting businesses and that renewal will also help the more established industries next door.”