St John Ambulance, Glebe Division, was registered in 1903. It's the oldest and longest running St John's Ambulance division in Australia. The Glebe Division of St John Ambulance has 46 volunteers as part of the team with 35 qualified first responders and 8 registered nurses. Glebe Division provides medical assistance across the inner west, volunteering at community events, music festivals and providing essential support to emergency frontline services during times of national crisis. In 2019, the Glebe Division attended 377 local events and served more than 6,000 hours treating and looking after over 1,000 people in the inner west community. Volunteer organisations like St John Ambulance have been there for the community in their toughest hours, with 17 members of the Glebe Division travelling to fire affected areas in NSW. Volunteers looked after exhausted firefighters on the frontlines of the bushfires and helped take pressure off emergency services in evacuation centres. I know that for many seeing the iconic green uniform provides one with a sense of safety, knowing there is someone there to help. Thank you to the Glebe Division for your countless hours volunteering and for your dedication to looking after our community.