This past weekend the Save Ashfield Park group held an action at Dobroyd Parade, Haberfield, to highlight the destructive impacts of WestConnex on Reg Coady Reserve. Reg Coady Reserve is a small but much-loved park on the banks of Iron Cove Creek and is being razed by WestConnex. The reserve will be used as a truck turning bay for the Wattle Street construction sites. There has already been the destruction of mature trees and the loss of green space, which is at a premium in the inner west. Trucks will travel down Wattle Street, do a U-turn in Reg Coady Reserve and then head back up Wattle Street to Parramatta Road. That is just ludicrous when trucks could instead easily exit directly onto Parramatta Road. Again the Government has failed to listen to local voices. Simple logic could have saved our park. I congratulate the Save Ashfield Park group on taking a stand and working so hard to hold this Government to account for its vandalism of the inner west's cherished green spaces.