A War of Compassion documentary follows the life and struggles of Reverend Bill Crews, Founder of the Exodus Foundation.
Reverend Crews has devoted the better part of his life to helping and providing a voice for the most vulnerable in our society. The documentary premieres this week with funds from the project going to assisting homelessness and youth programs run by the Exodus Foundation.
A War on Compassion is a retrospective of Bill's 40 years' of service, from helping those sleeping rough on the streets of Ashfield, to his work in the Calais Jungle, a refugee camp in Calais France.
Reverend Crews became an ordained Minister at Ashfield Uniting Church in 1986, establishing the Exodus Foundation three years later.
Bill has always been a fierce supporter and campaigner for social justice, from gambling reform, to tackling homelessness and dealing with drug addiction in our community.
The War on Compassion highlights Bill's generosity of spirit, and years of campaigning for greater support for those experiencing homelessness and addiction.
Congratulations to the director Warwick Moss on this wonderful depiction of Bill's service to our community. And thank you to Bill for always advocating for a kinder world.