Roads and Maritime Services have today announced changes to construction for the M4-M5 WestConnex Link in response to the concerted community campaign.

The Government’s backflip is thanks to the tireless work of Haberfield, Ashfield and Inner West residents.

A dive-site will no longer be required at Darley Street, Rozelle, and plans for construction sites less than 300 metres from Haberfield Public School have been scrapped.

The announcement is a huge win for nearby residents, parents and students at Haberfield Public Schoolm who have been calling for the sites to be junked given their close proximity to the school.

Students are already dealing with vibration, noise, traffic impacts and air pollution recordings above the national average from other nearby WestConnex construction sites.

Local Member, Jo Haylen, has been fighting for changes to the proposed plan for the Muirs sites, which had been left undetermined by the Planning Minister in the project’s Preferred Infrastructure Report.

Important questions remain about the decision by Roads and Maritime Services to purchase the land from Muirs Holden for an undisclosed sum, particularly given instances of land-banking in Rozelle. 

The community is also calling for a crossing guard at the busy Bland Street pedestrian crossing, and for a guarantee from the Government that air quality at the school is safe for students, families and staff.


Quotes attributable to Member for Summer Hill, Jo Haylen

“This is a huge win for families and Haberfield Public School parents who have fought long and hard to keep their children safe at school.

“This community is already facing unacceptable impacts from the existing WestConnex construction sites, and these additional sites would have made things much, much worse.

“No community should have to put up with what residents in Haberfield and Ashfield have put up with. Regardless of the Muirs site decision, it still unacceptable that construction will continue for well beyond what was initially promised. 

“For years, these quiet heritage suburbs have been turned upside down by WestConnex and only now is the Government making some concessions.

“I will continue to fight for these communities, including pressuring the Minister for Roads to see sense and immediately install a crossing guard on Bland Street outside the school.”