JO HAYLEN: My question is directed to the Premier. Paul Broad has previously advocated for the privatisation of the New South Wales rail network, saying on 30 June 2011, "I do think there's opportunity for that." He is now the Premier's special adviser. Does the Premier agree with his view that our State's rail network should be privatised?
DOMINIC PERROTTET: This is the collective mindset of the Labor Party. Last week its members came into this Chamber and asked questions about what the Minister for Finance said in the upper House and whether I agreed with him, or what the great Chris Rath said in the upper House and whether I agreed with young Christopher. We believe in individualism, freedom, and people actually having ideas and speaking their mind. Those opposite shut people down and sack them when they speak out. We believe in opportunity. Last week members opposite opposed our first home buyers' choice bill.
That bill gives young families and children, such as the schoolchildren in the gallery today, an opportunity. One of the children in the gallery is waving. He loves the first home buyer choice. Now they are all waving. I say to those children in the gallery: Hands up if you love the policy! That did not go so well, but I know they will come to love it. We are providing choice for people and Labor is shutting it down. They are not allowing people to make their own decisions for their own lives. When people speak their mind—or give a speech in this Parliament—you do not necessarily have to agree with their views, but you respect them for having an opinion and standing up for their communities.
When it comes to Paul Broad, firstly, I do not think it is appropriate for ministerial staffers or any staffers in this place to be the subject of parliamentary debate. Secondly, the raising of the Warragamba Dam wall is one of the most critical pieces of infrastructure to protect families in the Hawkesbury-Nepean region. Right now we are seeing significant flooding right across the Central West yet the Labor Party stands in the way of building the infrastructure to protect lives and property. Members on this side of the House will make the difficult decisions that will transform people's lives and make New South Wales a better place to live, work, run a business and raise a family. The only party that stands in the way of our achieving the dreams of everybody across the State is the New South Wales Labor Opposition.