The cost of the Premier’s three key infrastructure projects has doubled thanks to the Berejiklian Government’s waste and mismanagement.

The bill for Sydney light rail, WestConnex and a new road to the port and airport has gone from a combined $11.6 billion to $21.7 billion, according to the Liberal State Government’s own figures.

The figures lay bare the full extent of the Government’s waste, mismanagement and wrong priorities as children across the state are forced to study in a record number of demountables and elective surgery waiting lists mount in the state’s hospitals.

In eight years the State Government is yet to cut a single ribbon on one of its own major transport projects.

The cost of the Premier’s pet project, Sydney Light Rail, has ballooned from $1.6 billion to $3.1 billion now that the Government is facing a $1.1 billion lawsuit from its own contractors.

The newly-privatised WestConnex is yet to be finished and is at least $6.8 billion over budget. In order to minimise costs the Premier and her WestConnex Minister Stuart Ayres have scaled back the size of the project by carving off roads and handing them back to the roads agency to finish.

The Sydney Gateway, a road to the Kingsford Smith Airport and Port Botany, which was originally part of WestConnex, has blown out by up to $1.8 billion.

In contrast, NSW Opposition Leader Michael Daley will give the community and experts a greater say on major infrastructure projects. NSW Labor’s Public Planning Inquiries will end the secrecy, deals and bungles that have hit the Berejiklian Government’s infrastructure build.


Quotes attributable to NSW Opposition Leader Michael Daley

“This Premier and her government have gouged NSW taxpayers $21.7 billion for three infrastructure projects without delivering a single thing.

“This is further proof that this government has the wrong priorities, spending billions on Sydney Stadiums whilst hospital waiting lists blow out, there’s chaos on the rail system and are kids are forced to study in demountable classrooms.”

This government is bloated with the proceeds of its sale of the state’s electricity and other assets.

“They are spending taxpayers’ money on the wrong priorities and wasting it with their lack of proper planning and an inability to manage projects.”


Quotes attributable to Jo Haylen, Member for Summer Hill 

“This Government is throwing money at their vanity projects, while community services and spaces fall by the wayside. 

"People all across Sydney are asking the same question - is it all really worth it?"