Trusted by the community for over 30 years, Plumtree Preschool in Marrickville is a much loved, not-for-profit, community-based organisation that helps families thrive. Plumtree Preschool provides therapies and support for children aged from birth to 8 years with a disability or developmental delay and their families. At Plumtree Preschool, free online and centre-based playgroups and parent educational programs support all families and allow children of all abilities and cultural backgrounds to learn together and begin to understand the value of inclusive communities. Plumtree's passionate, culturally diverse team of specialists work from the heart in a caring environment to ensure children of all abilities and their families feel respected and informed and are always supported. Congratulations to Board Chair Nick Walter, Chief Executive Officer Sylvana Mahmic, all the team and families at Plumtree on delivering such an amazing place to support families not just locally, but across Australia and around the world.