NSW Labor this week unveiled its state infrastructure package, including plans to end the Liberal Government’s bungling of Westconnex.
NSW Labor this week unveiled its state infrastructure package, including plans to end the Liberal Government’s bungling of Westconnex.
Jo Haylen, Labor’s candidate for Summer Hill, said Labor’s plan to end WestConnex was good news for people in the inner west.
“Only a Labor Government can save the inner west from Westconnex.”
“If elected, Labor will stop the compulsory acquisition of homes, scrap the inner west tunnel from the M4 to the M5, scrap the St Peters’ Interchange and save all our local parks and green space currently under threat from the Liberals’ project,” Ms Haylen said.
Jo Haylen said she has a strong track record of standing up for people in the inner west.
“I have and will continue to fight for our community against Westconnex.”
“Late last year I spoke at a community forum in Haberfield where residents spoke to me about their concerns and I again voiced my opposition to the project,” Ms Haylen said.
Jo Haylen also said Mike Baird was blackmailing residents by suggesting the only way to invest in roads and public transport is through electricity privatisation.
“Mike Baird wants people to believe the only way to improve services and infrastructure is through electricity privatisation when that is absolutely not the case- NSW is not for sale.”
“We have seen the Liberals chop and change their plans, all while people in our community worry about what will happen to their homes.”
“A Labor Government will end the confusion, invest in an integrated public transport solution and make sure people have a say in the future of their community, all without selling off our assets.”
“The choice is clear – Vote Labor to save the inner west from Westconnex,” Ms Haylen said.
Labor will have more to say about public transport investment in the coming weeks.
If elected Labor will:
- Scrap the inner west tunnel from the M4 to the M5;
- Scrap the St Peters’ Interchange saving iconic King Street;
- Halt all property acquisitions connected to the Westconnex project;
- Save all parkland and green space currently under threat from this massive project;
- Ensure the route of the M4 Extension from Homebush to the CBD is determined following expert advice, the recommendations of the Auditor General and open & transparent community consultation; and
- Ensure transparent community consultation and the completion and full publication of all planning documents before any planning approvals.