This week is National Mothering Week, a week that encourages mothers to take a moment in our busy, complex lives to appreciate the simple pleasures that come from being a parent.
The week is coordinated by the Australian Breastfeeding Association, a brilliant volunteer organisation that supports mums and promotes that breastfeeding is important and culturally normal. While Mother's Day is a good reminder to take mum to lunch and give her a bunch of flowers, National Mothering Week is all about promoting self-care for mums.
As any mum knows, it is not always easy and some of us have more support than others.
I acknowledge that for most mums balancing the pressures of work and family are a constant source of anxiety and guilt, particularly in a society that still does not fully value the work of women work either at home or in the workplace.
I am in awe of those mums out there who are balancing complex needs, including single mums, mums caring for children with disability or illness, and mums with postnatal depression or facing their own health issues.
You are heroes to your children and to women everywhere.
This National Mothering Week I will try to take a moment to enjoy the wonders of being a mum to my beautiful boy and I also will reflect on how precious and invaluable mums are across our State.