Media Releases
No Lewisham Station upgrade; Petersham West St TAFE closing; No funding to build GreenWay. Baird's budget is bad for the Inner West.
Media Releases
“If the Government refuses to maintain West St as a TAFE campus, they should categorically keep the property in public hands.
Media Releases
Baird Government underspends education budget while inner west school maintenance backlog soars
Media Releases
Jo Haylen, the Member for Summer Hill, gave a stinging speech in Parliament today condemning the Minister for Education’s failure to act on a 2014 request from St John’s College to reform its council following the near-death of a student in 2012.
Media Releases
The Baird Government should bring forward elections for the Inner West Council to September 2016 rather than leaving their unelected Administrator to make decisions for 16 months.
Media Releases
Inner West residents deserve to know why this Government is tearing up our suburbs for a project no-one in the inner west wants.
Media Releases
This is the Government’s way of doing business – ignore residents and weaken opposition to their privatisation and pro-development agenda.
Media Releases
We should be encouraging people to use public transport, not slogging them with higher fares.
Media Releases
I’m very pleased that the NSW Government has seen sense and recognises that a licensing system is not in the best interests of sex workers or the community.
Media Releases
This will be a huge construction zone, marking the beginning of a long period of destruction and disruption to build a road no-one in the Inner West wants.