Media Releases
Labor representatives have come out swinging against plans to introduce weekend clearways on major arterial roads in busy inner west streets including King Street Newtown, Parramatta Road Stanmore and Sydenham Road, Marrickville.
Media Releases
Jo Haylen MP, Member for Summer Hill, today slammed the decision by the Berejiklian Government to release the environmental impact statement (EIS) for the third stage of WestConnex only weeks after submissions for the concept design closed.
Media Releases
The Berejiklian Government has failed to plan for any new schools in the Sydenham to Bankstown growth area – despite 100,000 extra people moving in.
The Sydenham to Bankstown Corridor Strategy will bring an additional 35,000 dwellings into existing crowded suburbs over the next 20 years.
Media Releases
The NSW Parliament has today moved an historic motion that supports the right of women to make the choice that is right for them, including the right to access safe, legal abortion.
The historic motion in support of women’s right to access legal, safe abortion was unanimously supported by Australia’s oldest parliament.
Media Releases
Jo Haylen, Member for Summer Hill, joined Haberfield residents in condemning Government plans to install three 7 metre signs along the local residential street.
Media Releases
NSW Labor has challenged the Minister for Transport to immediately abandon his privatisation of Region 6 buses following the tabling of a second 10,000 signature petition opposed to the plans.
Media Releases
Jo Haylen MP, Member for Summer Hill, today expressed her ongoing support for the young women, activists and students fighting for action on the issue of sexual assault on campus, in light of the Australian Human Rights Commission report released yesterday.
Media Releases
The NSW Labor Opposition has pledged to work with all stakeholders to address the recommendations of the Australian Human Rights Commission’s Change the Course: National Report on Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment at Australian Universities.
Media Releases
Ashbury is an irreplaceable heritage suburb. We can’t this Government’s overdevelopment agenda destroy such a unique community.
Media Releases
Jo Haylen MP, Member for Summer Hill, today asked serious questions of Minister for Planning, Anthony Roberts, on the numbers used to sell his mass rezoning of Dulwich Hill.