Mayor Jo Haylen will move a Mayoral Minute at Council’s Meeting on 16 September to ensure a comprehensive community consultation process regarding the Victoria Road Precinct Planning Proposal.
At its meeting on 2 September Council resolved to advise the Department of Planning and Environment of its decision to approve the preliminary proposal for the Victoria Road precinct proceeding through the Gateway planning process.
“While I was disappointed with Council’s decision to send the proposal immediately to Gateway, this doesn’t mean we can’t have a genuine conversation now with our community about the Victoria Road precinct,” Mayor Haylen said.
“My Mayoral Minute proposes a series of round table discussions with the community considering the key areas of services and transport, urban density and design, and the nature and extent of employment lands – ensuring that residents and business owners alike help develop our vision and frame the future plans for this important precinct in our local area.
“Marrickville residents rightly expect us to consult them when we install a no stopping sign or speed humps in their street. This is a highly significant proposal that will change the colour and shape of 18 hectares of land right in the heart of our LGA. We must get this right.
“To not have so much as a conversation with our residents is irresponsible and goes against everything we stand for at Marrickville Council,” Mayor Haylen said.
Mayor Haylen said the consultations would not mean a delay in the planning process.
The motion proposes THAT:
- Council resolve to commence a community engagement process concerning the Victoria Road precinct prior to receiving Gateway determination from the Department of Planning and Environment to inform its future decision making;
- That consultation be targeted towards residents and businesses within the precinct and environs with a focus on the issues of services and transport; urban density and design; and the nature and extent of employment lands.