For almost 10 years, Ms Ruth Bradfield Ling, principal of Marrickville West Public School, has been fighting alongside parents, students and neighbouring residents for a second set of flashing lights outside the school on Beauchamp Street, Marrickville. The Beauchamp Street crossing is an extremely dangerous crossing and has been putting kids at risk for several years.
I am thrilled that the Minister for Roads has announced that the flashing lights will be installed before June, and I pass on the thanks of a very grateful school community.
Friday 19 May was National Walk Safely to School Day—a reminder of the importance of promoting pedestrian safety for kids and parents.
While we celebrate the victory at Marrickville West, I also acknowledge the safety concerns raised by parents at Marrickville Public School, Haberfield Public School and other schools across the inner west.
Safer pathways to and from school are vital if we are to encourage walking, which reduces congestion and promotes healthier lifestyles for our kids. I warmly congratulate Ruth and the entire school community at Marrickville West Public School.