I acknowledge MakerSpace & Co, based in Marrickville, for their efforts in promoting the sharing of creative skills and knowledge with all of the community. MakerSpace & Co was founded by a group of design graduates who had a desire to continue their practices, and is now an invaluable community asset. Their social impact mission is to make an impact through "employment pathways, community building, social networking and skill sharing". They certainly do this in many ways; their many markets and workshops are open to the public, and their facilities ensure that as many people as possible have access to design tools and affordable spaces through shared use membership arrangements. In recent months, they've held some wonderful events like the Mother's Day Market, which saw handcrafted creations from the MakerSpace tenants, including everything from ceramics to furniture, have been a real hit. So, too, have their classes and workshops, which take the practices that experts have got down to a fine art, and offer them to the community at large. I congratulate the MakerSpace & Co team for your tremendous effort in sharing the practice of creation and design with the whole Inner West community.