Ms JO HAYLEN (Summer Hill) (15:04): My question is directed to the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces. It is now a month after the M4 East opening. Given that two lanes of rapid public transport on Parramatta Road have not been delivered, when it was a condition of the Minister giving planning consent to the M4 East project, what will the Minister now do to make this happen?
Mr ROB STOKES (Pittwater—Minister for Planning and Public Spaces) (15:04): I thank the member for Summer Hill for her question. I recall inviting the member for Summer Hill at the time that our proposal was being considered to talk to me about her concerns. Unfortunately she was unable to meet with me at that time.
The SPEAKER: The member for Canterbury will be quiet.
Mr ROB STOKES: Her staff told me that she was at a Young Labor meeting in Canberra. She was unable to walk along the course to look at the impacts to determine issues in relation to houses for which she may have wanted particular conditions.
The SPEAKER: I call the member for Bankstown to order for the first time.
Mr ROB STOKES: I cannot off the top of my head remember the number of the condition to which she is referring. I do remember the condition, obviously. It is an important condition and it was certainly designed in the light of the fact that no decision had been made at that stage in relation to an east-west metro connection as well. I note the condition remains on foot. I also note that the condition is not timed in terms of its delivery. It remains a condition to be delivered. I can say it is standard practice, particularly in major projects but also in a whole range of development assessment procedures, for a range of conditions to be satisfied over time. I know the Minister for Transport and Roads would be itching to contribute to this question as well.
The SPEAKER: Order! I call the member for Wollongong to order for the first time. I call the member for Rockdale to order for the first time.
Mr ROB STOKES: In relation to this project the conditions remain on foot and it continues to be my expectation that the conditions that were met—and there are quite a number—are met in an orderly and timely fashion, noting that that particular condition does not have a time restriction on it.