February 1 marked the 2022 Lunar New Year and the beginning of the year of the tiger. I recognise and congratulate all those in the Summer Hill electorate taking part in Lunar New Year celebrations this month. This year's tiger, the water tiger, only occurs once every 60 years and is associated with justice and bravery, something we should all be holding strong as our community recovers from the last two years of the pandemic. Events were held across the Inner West to bring in the new year, including a lion dance on the main street of Marrickville, Chinese bilingual storytelling at Ashfield Library, Zonghruan performances, Vietnamese bilingual storytelling at Marrickville Library and a Lion Dancing Workshop in Ashfield. These events are so important to recognising and celebrating both the rich diversity of our communities and the enduring contribution made to the Inner West by our local Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean communities, and all those who observe Luna New Year festivities. I wish everyone in the Inner West a safe and prosperous Lunar New Year.