April 26 marked Lesbian Visibility Day, where we celebrate the lesbians in our lives and acknowledge the barriers and challenges they continue to face. According to LGBTIQ+ Health Australia, over 80 per cent of lesbians aged between 14 to 21 report high or very high levels of psychological distress, almost half aged between 16 and 71 have received a diagnosis of depression, anxiety or other mental illness, and almost 20 per cent aged 18 and over have experienced homelessness. It is critical that we continue to work to address discrimination lesbians face and to affirm and recognise the contribution lesbians make in our local community. We must also continue to work to ensure our health system, social supports and broader community connections are inclusive of lesbian, bisexual, trans, gender diverse and queer women. I warmly thank organisations including Twenty10, ACON, QLife, Sydney Mardi Gras, Dykes on Bikes Sydney, the Gender Centre, and the many other organisations and individuals who provide critical support for lesbians and other members of the LGBTQ+ community. This Lesbian Visibility Day, we thank and acknowledge the wonderful local lesbians that enrich our lives, families and communities and thank them for all they do.