Labor Deputy Leader Michael Daley has confirmed that the Labor Opposition would rip up plans for mass rezoning along the Sydenham to Bankstown Urban Renewal Corridor. 

The announcement was made at a public meeting on the Government’s ill-conceived priority precinct plans at NSW Parliament.

Local members Jo Haylen and Sophie Cotsis have been fighting plans to add thousands of apartments in suburbs along the T3 Sydenham to Bankstown line.

The plans provide no additional investment in schools, child-care centres, hospitals or parks, all of which Mr Daley said would be at the heart of any future rezoning under a Labor Government, in full consultation with communities and in partnerships with councils under proper LEP processes.

Daley also announced Labor would abandon the Government’s contentious priority precinct plans.


Comments attributable to Jo Haylen MP, Member for Summer Hill:

“The inner west is sick of being a garbage dump for every bad policy this Government comes up with.

“The mass rezoning of our suburbs has never made sense and this is a big win for local community groups fighting these plans.

“Voters have a clear choice in 2019 between a Liberal party that always looks out for developers and a Labor party that will put people back at the front of local planning.” 


Comments attributable to Sophie Cotsis MP, Member for Canterbury

“The community lost confidence in this Planning Minister a long time ago.

Time and time again, we’ve seen decisions that sideline communities and help the big end of town.

“This is a huge announcement that gives certainty to residents that want to see sensible development that respects local communities: Labor is on your side.”