Labor has announced today that it will deliver much-needed train station upgrades along the T3 Sydenham to Bankstown line whilst also keeping the line in public hands.

If elected in March, Labor will invest $60 million to kick start station upgrades along the Bankstown line including Dulwich Hill, Hurlstone Park, Canterbury and Campsie.

Member for Summer Hill, Jo Haylen, said: “Residents of Dulwich Hill have waited for decades for their station to be upgraded. Labor will get it done.”

"I am proud that Labor is prioritising making our stations accessible for everyone, the elderly, people with disability, parents with prams - not ripping up and privatising a perfectly good rail line.”

“Labor is investing an extra $3 billion to improve the city’s rail network, including along the Sydenham to Bankstown line.”

Member for Canterbury, Sophie Cotsis said: “Labor will increase accessibility all the stations along the line, including Hurlstone Park, Canterbury and Campsie, whilst also making the hard decisions in relation to the Sydney West Metro that will benefit communities across our city.”

“The Liberal Government's plans are about developer interests, not community interest. They just want to dump 100,000 units into the area.”

Under the Liberals’ plan potentially a quarter of a million new residents would be brought into the area without releasing plans for any additional infrastructure or services.