Haylen, Jo to the Minister for Education
1. Will Year 9 students continue to be required to complete minimum standard testing online to be able to complete their Higher School Certificate (HSC)?
a. If so, how many times per year?
2. Will Year 10, 11 and 12 students be required to complete minimum standard testing online to be able to complete their HSC? a.
a. If so, how many times per year?
3. What will be the outcome for students who do not meet the minimum standard?
4. Will students who do not meet the minimum standard receive a HSC or only a Record of School Achievement?
5. Will students be provided the option to complete testing in handwriting?
6. Are students being taught to touch type in preparation for mandatory online testing?
a. If so, at what age are students being taught to touch type?
7.What actions is the Government taking to address incidences of poor mental health and suicide rates related to school testing?