The Berekjiklian Government today released another glossy brochure with details on its M4-M5 link, with sites on Wattle St, Walker Ave and Northcote Street used for construction until 2022.
The news has outraged Haberfield residents who were told construction would end in 2019 when the M4 East is scheduled to be opened.
The plans have been released on the same day as the Government revealed that drivers will be given a measly one month grace period before new tolls are implemented on the M4 and that the widened M4 will not be opened until July.
The glossy brochure has been released as speculation mounts that WestConnex is up for sale.
The plans also confirm that the M4 ventilation stack will include exhaust from the new tunnel.
While the air quality modelling for the M4 East had considered the cumulative impacts on air quality from the new M4-M5 Link tunnel, the former Ashfield Council’s review of that modelling raised serious questions about its accuracy.
Comments attributable to Jo Haylen MP, Member for Summer Hill:
“Extending construction in Haberfield until 2022 shows just how little this Government understands the hell they’re putting residents through, and just how little they care.
“I challenge the Premier to come to Haberfield, too see the chaos and disruption for herself, and then look residents in the face and tell them it will continue for three more years.
“There are still real questions about air quality for kids at Haberfield Public School and child care centres, as well as residents in nursing homes and surrounding properties.
“The only information so far on the cumulative impacts of exhaust amounts to one page out of many thousands in the M4 East environmental impact study.
“Haberfield residents want clear information about what will happen until 2022, and what they’re kids will be breathing, not another glossy brochure.”