The students and families at Haberfield Public School have been living through the worst impacts of WestConnex construction. The school students are subject to construction noise, dust and vibration. Local streets around the school have been clogged with heavy construction, vehicles and drivers rat-running to avoid road closures. Most alarmingly of all is that air quality recordings at the school show dust levels at 406.4 micrograms per cubic metre—eight times higher than the national average target. The school has successfully campaigned to rule out tunnelling at the Muirs site on Parramatta Road, but parents and carers are deeply concerned that construction and parking at these locations will continue to put kids at risk for years to come. I am proud to support the tireless advocates at the school and surrounding community and I renew calls for the Minister for WestConnex and the Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight to protect student safety by providing a crossing guard on the Bland Street pedestrian crossing outside the school and investigating the alarming recordings on air quality at the school and reporting back to parents and the community as a matter of urgency.