aberfield and inner west residents furious at the butchering of trees by Ausgrid contractors will meet this Saturday at a fiery public meeting.

State MPs Jo Haylen and Jamie Parker will address the meeting, along with representatives for the Inner West Council and the Haberfield Association.

Ausgrid has come under fire from local residents from across the inner west for its vicious pruning of trees, with some trees reduced to a trunk and half a branch.

The meeting is at St David’s Hall, 51 Dalhousie St Haberfield this Saturday 17 September from 1:30-3:00pm.


Quotes attributable to the Member for Summer Hill

“Inner west residents are infuriated by the vandalism of their precious street trees.

“It’s clear to anyone who sees these trees that the work has gone too far but residents’ complaints have been met with bureaucratic responses.

“Many of these trees may never recover and I’m disappointed Ausgrid and their contractors have declined an invitation to attend the meeting.

“I’ve been working in the parliament to hold the Government to account for this and I’m looking forward to hearing more from locals about how the process should be improved.”