I acknowledge the fantastic contribution of Fiona Cook to our inner west live music and bar scene through her establishment, Gasoline Pony. Fiona has announced that she is stepping down from running the Gasoline Pony, which she founded with her brother Elmo 11 years ago. The "Gaspo", as it is known, has a loyal following and has become a much-loved local institution. Fiona and Elmo created one of the best bars and live music venues not only in the inner west but in all of Sydney, with visitors coming from across the city to hear great music in the heart of Sydney's inner west. Running a small business requires a lot of personal sacrifice and hard work, and Fiona deserves all our thanks for her many years of commitment, particularly during the COVID years. She has helped to create a stage for countless emerging and professional musicians. I also welcome Angela, who takes over the running of the Gaspo. I congratulate Fiona and wish Angela good luck.