Question to the Minister for Family and Community Services, Minister for Social Housing and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault:
- What is the total number of properties currently head-leased for FACS tenants in (a) Ashfield and (b) Haberfield?
- How many of these homes in each suburb are immediately adjacent to a construction site for the WestConnex project?
- How many FACS owned properties are immediately adjacent to a construction site for the WestConnex project?
- How many complaints have been made by FACS tenants to the Department of Housing or the Minister regarding the impacts of WestConnex?
- How many requests for transfers have been made by FACS tenants impacted by WestConnex?
- What has been the total cost to FACS of maintaining or altering FACS owned properties to ameliorate impacts from WestConnex?