A question to the Minister for Planning, Minister for Housing, and Special Minister for State:

  1. Considering the Department of Planning clearly stated its preference for option A sites to be used for the M4-M5 WestConnex project in Haberfield in its Environmental Assessment Report (EAR), why has the Minister given approval for the use of option B sites, albeit with the requirement for further comparative analysis?
  2. Why has the Minister given approval for the use of option B sites that take more time to establish, albeit with the requirement for further comparative analysis?
  3. Considering it was indicated in the planning approval process for the M4 East project that option A sites (as outlined in the Environmental Impact Statement for the M4-M5 Link) would be used, why has the Minister given approval for the use of option B sites, albeit with the requirement for further comparative analysis?

Response can be tracked on NSW Parliament's website