Community consultation on the Victoria Road precinct is now guaranteed following Marrickville Council’s adoption of a Mayoral Minute put forward by Mayor Jo Haylen at Tuesday night’s meeting.
Mayor Haylen said it was important that residents and businesses in the area are given the opportunity to participate in a proper community engagement process.
We need to have a genuine conversation with those who live and work around the Victoria Road precinct and my Mayoral Minute now ensures this will take place,” Mayor Haylen said.
“I’ve proposed a series of roundtables that will focus on key specific issues like transport and services, local jobs, and urban density and design,” Mayor Haylen said.
Mayor Haylen said the roundtable discussions would be critical to getting the proposal right.
"These discussions will help Council shape its vision for the area and are likely to be concluded prior to the Gateway determination.
"I want to make sure we fully understand what is really going on across the precinct, like the diverse mix of industries and creative activities including live music venues.
"As soon as the Council receives the Gateway determination a broader consultation process across the whole Council area would be the obvious next step."
“As Mayor I’ve fought hard to make sure any development proposal approved by Council contributes to our community,” Mayor Haylen said.
“I am pleased that earlier in the year I was able to establish an Architectural Design Excellence Panel, which is improving the quality of new buildings in our area,” Mayor Haylen said.