For so many students, young people and families in the South Marrickville community, Connect Marrickville SaCC is a source of strength, support and inspiration, especially during the pandemic. Thankfully, Connect Marrickville has been there to ensure no local families or kids were left behind. They have distributed food hampers at the gates of Marrickville West Public School, run virtual playgroups and support programs, coordinated a vaccination hub with the Exodus Foundation, and even run a playgroup disco and drag story time! Many households in South Marrickville have been hard hit by the lockdown, with many families already experiencing underemployment, food and housing insecurity. With schools closed, many of these families have found it even harder to find support. Connect Marrickville has worked in partnership with other local organisations including the Newtown Neighbourhood Centre, Community and Cultural Connections [CCCI] and Inner West Council, to ensure that the most vulnerable in our community have been able to seek help and stay connected during this difficult time. I warmly thank everyone at Connect Marrickville, especially Vivi Martin and Lindy Alwis; your passion and dedication have been instrumental to our community's response to the COVID-19 outbreak.