Cheree Toka is a proud Kamilaroi woman and activist who has campaigned for years to have the Aboriginal flag flown permanently on the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Cheree is also a proud inner westie and a formidable entrepreneur and businesswoman, running a First Nations‑owned company providing facilities management services.
Our First Nations history and culture should be celebrated on the Sydney Harbour Bridge every day of the year. However, currently the flag flies for only 15 days a year, including during NAIDOC Week, Reconciliation Week and Australia Day.
Cheree has led a powerful campaign that acknowledges the lack of First Nations art, culture and icons in public spaces across our city.
Cheree's petition has been signed by over 141,000 people from across Australia and debated in the New South Wales Parliament.
I am proud that the Labor Party stands with Cheree and First Nations people and is committed to flying the Aboriginal flag on the Sydney Harbour Bridge permanently.
I thank Cheree for her ongoing fight for First Nations inclusion and recognition and I stand with her.